
Suurim vale lohesurfi kohta

Levinud on väga suur eksiarvamus ja seda eriti naiste hulgas, et lohesurfi õppimiseks sa pead olema väga tugev või et sul peab olema vähemalt tugev ülakeha, et suuta lohet õhus hoida. Seda kasutatakse tihti põhjusena miks mitte võtta seda esimest sammu lohesurfi koolituse suunas. See on ka ilmselt üks peamisi põhjuseid miks naiste osakaal sellel spordialal on nii väike. Õnneks on see nüüd hakanud natuke suurenema. Lihtne tõde on see, et see on vale ja põhjus on järgmine.

The Waves

Waves are one of the most enjoyable features of the the ocean. You can ride them, jump over them, dive under them, simply watch then gently roll in, or gasp as they crash and roar during a big swell.

Different conditions affect waves and it’s important to understand how the waves work, what types of waves may be present when you visit, and how you can deal with them to reduce the potential for injury.
Here's some top tips about the waves:

First Aid

Rendering first aid should never be undertaken lightly. Remember:

* First - do no harm
* If in doubt - don’t
* Always seek professional assistance
* Always seek permission to assist unless the casualty is unconscious
* Be aware of your limitations

Expert medical assistance should always be sought wherever possible, and as soon as possible, in any situation requiring first aid.
Surf Life Saving highly recommends that everyone be trained in first aid and CPR by participating in a registered training program. Get involved!