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Lohesurfi õpetus - Keha traalimine
Andres Larin
3306 view(s)
Keha lohistamine on oskus, mida kõik lohesurfarid peaksid oskama ja kasutama, kuna see on parim viis kuidas vees ringi liikuda kui sul on vaja oma laud ära tuua.
Lohesurfi õppides on keha lohistamine üks oskustest, mille õpetamisele instruktor tavaliselt keskendub. See on põhioskus, mida sul lohesurfarina vaja läheb ja mis aitab sul arendada oma lohe kontrollimist ja aitab jääda rahulikuks olukordades kus sa võid ilma lauata olla.
Before attempting a board start you should be happy with all stages of the body drag, and feel calm and comfortable when entering and exiting the water with your kite.
Downwind Body Drag
This will be the first stage of learning to body drag. The downwind body drag allows you to feel the power of the kite without a board getting in your way. Make sure when you do body drag downwind, that you are not close to the waters edge.
Top Tips
* Both hands on the bar and slowly move the kite from left to right.
* Keep the bar held in so all 4 lines are under tension, be careful not to pull the bar all the way into the chicken loop
* When you have a bit more confidence try moving the kite faster and lower through the wind window, if you can manage this in a continuous movement it will help with muscle memory for when you are trying board starts
* Keep an eye on your surroundings as it could be hard for other water users to see you
* Be careful when slowing down from your body drag, as you are being pulled towards the kite you are taking wind out of it which may make it unresponsive.
* Keep your mouth closed as to avoid swallowing water
Keha lohistamine on oskus, mida kõik lohesurfarid peaksid oskama ja kasutama, kuna see on parim viis kuidas vees ringi liikuda kui sul on vaja oma laud ära tuua.
Lohesurfi õppides on keha lohistamine üks oskustest, mille õpetamisele instruktor tavaliselt keskendub. See on põhioskus, mida sul lohesurfarina vaja läheb ja mis aitab sul arendada oma lohe kontrollimist ja aitab jääda rahulikuks olukordades kus sa võid ilma lauata olla.
Before attempting a board start you should be happy with all stages of the body drag, and feel calm and comfortable when entering and exiting the water with your kite.
Downwind Body Drag
This will be the first stage of learning to body drag. The downwind body drag allows you to feel the power of the kite without a board getting in your way. Make sure when you do body drag downwind, that you are not close to the waters edge.
Top Tips
* Both hands on the bar and slowly move the kite from left to right.
* Keep the bar held in so all 4 lines are under tension, be careful not to pull the bar all the way into the chicken loop
* When you have a bit more confidence try moving the kite faster and lower through the wind window, if you can manage this in a continuous movement it will help with muscle memory for when you are trying board starts
* Keep an eye on your surroundings as it could be hard for other water users to see you
* Be careful when slowing down from your body drag, as you are being pulled towards the kite you are taking wind out of it which may make it unresponsive.
* Keep your mouth closed as to avoid swallowing water