кайтсерфинг обучение; продажа/покупка оборудования
Teiste lohesurfarite päästmine
Andres Larin
3335 view(s)
Sa võid kasutada oma lohet teiste päästmiseks aga on väga oluline, et sa seda tehes ise hätta ei satu. Sa võid pakkuda teistele abi ja päästa teisi veesolijaid, vajadusel ka ujujaid, paadisõitjaid, purjetajaid, purilaudureid ja teisi lohesurfareid. Keegi kellel käsi või käed on tõstetud pea kohale ja kes lehvitab, vajab abi - see on hädasignaal.
ETTEVAATUST: Ainult edasijõudnute oskustega lohesurfarid peaksid proovima teisi päästa. If a less experienced kitesurfer attempts a rescue and gets their own kite lines tangled, then two people require rescuing.
CAUTION: Do NOT use your safety leash to tow in another kiter. If they let go of the leash will under tow the elastic will recoil and fling the metal clip towards you, possibly causing and injury. Instruct someone you are towing in to hold the handle on the back of your harness.
Rescuing someone in the water - conscious
* Head to their location, slowing as you reach them. Watch for debris or other obstacles as you approach
* Instruct the person being rescued to hold onto the handle at the back of your harness
* Leave your board and use your kite to body drag back to shore, towing the person being rescued
Rescuing someone in the water - unconscious
* Head to their location, slowing as you reach them. Watch for debris or other obstacles as you approach
* Use one arm to grab the person being rescued around their chest under their arms
* If they have stopped breathing, give them a big squeeze
* Leave your board and use your kite to body drag back to shore, controlling your kite with one hand and towing the person being rescued with the your other arm
* Administer CPR as soon as you get to the beach
Retrieving a kite
CAUTION: Retrieving a kite is more difficult and dangerous than retrieving a board. Be careful to avoid getting tangled in the kite lines.
* Approach the kite from the side or from slightly down wind. The bar and lines will be trailing upwind from the kite.
* Slow down you approach the kite
* Reach down with one hand and grab the leading edge. Caution: be careful to avoid getting tangled in the bridle lines or the kite lines
* Head towards the shore towing the kite, holding it by the leading edge
Sa võid kasutada oma lohet teiste päästmiseks aga on väga oluline, et sa seda tehes ise hätta ei satu. Sa võid pakkuda teistele abi ja päästa teisi veesolijaid, vajadusel ka ujujaid, paadisõitjaid, purjetajaid, purilaudureid ja teisi lohesurfareid. Keegi kellel käsi või käed on tõstetud pea kohale ja kes lehvitab, vajab abi - see on hädasignaal.
ETTEVAATUST: Ainult edasijõudnute oskustega lohesurfarid peaksid proovima teisi päästa. If a less experienced kitesurfer attempts a rescue and gets their own kite lines tangled, then two people require rescuing.
CAUTION: Do NOT use your safety leash to tow in another kiter. If they let go of the leash will under tow the elastic will recoil and fling the metal clip towards you, possibly causing and injury. Instruct someone you are towing in to hold the handle on the back of your harness.
Rescuing someone in the water - conscious
* Head to their location, slowing as you reach them. Watch for debris or other obstacles as you approach
* Instruct the person being rescued to hold onto the handle at the back of your harness
* Leave your board and use your kite to body drag back to shore, towing the person being rescued
Rescuing someone in the water - unconscious
* Head to their location, slowing as you reach them. Watch for debris or other obstacles as you approach
* Use one arm to grab the person being rescued around their chest under their arms
* If they have stopped breathing, give them a big squeeze
* Leave your board and use your kite to body drag back to shore, controlling your kite with one hand and towing the person being rescued with the your other arm
* Administer CPR as soon as you get to the beach
Retrieving a kite
CAUTION: Retrieving a kite is more difficult and dangerous than retrieving a board. Be careful to avoid getting tangled in the kite lines.
* Approach the kite from the side or from slightly down wind. The bar and lines will be trailing upwind from the kite.
* Slow down you approach the kite
* Reach down with one hand and grab the leading edge. Caution: be careful to avoid getting tangled in the bridle lines or the kite lines
* Head towards the shore towing the kite, holding it by the leading edge