
The best surfing drones in the world

Drones are flying above the surf. You can see them, and you can hear them. Surfing drones are now part of the surfers' world and will be delivering spectacular footage for our personal archives.

Drones are the new helicopters. In the last two decades, surfers and wave riders in general had to pay for a helicopter for stunning aerial video and photo. Huge investments were made to capture the adrenaline levels of big wave surfers in spots like Jaws and Pipeline.

Suurim vale lohesurfi kohta

Levinud on väga suur eksiarvamus ja seda eriti naiste hulgas, et lohesurfi õppimiseks sa pead olema väga tugev või et sul peab olema vähemalt tugev ülakeha, et suuta lohet õhus hoida. Seda kasutatakse tihti põhjusena miks mitte võtta seda esimest sammu lohesurfi koolituse suunas. See on ka ilmselt üks peamisi põhjuseid miks naiste osakaal sellel spordialal on nii väike. Õnneks on see nüüd hakanud natuke suurenema. Lihtne tõde on see, et see on vale ja põhjus on järgmine.

GPS for kitesurfing

It is interesting to use a GPS for logging some of your kitesurfing sessions, particularly downwinders.

Desirable features for kitesurfing

- A compact GPS is best.
- Wrist mounted provides easiest access
- Download track log for sessions
- If waterproof IPX8 rated (fully sealed, no gaskets) can use without a waterproof case
- Large screen display option makes it easier to read on the water
- Route navigation (only available in high end devices)

Early generation GPS devices
