Andres Larin
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Käes on aeg lõpetada see enesepäästmine mida sa õppisid oma esimesel lohesurfi koolitusel.. Olukorrad kus enesepäästmist vaja võib minna võivad olla erinevad aga igal lohesurfil tuleb seda ette vähemalt üks kord. Tuule suuna muutus, drastilised tuule tugevuse muutused (suurenemine või vähenemine) ja lähenevad tormid on mõningad looduslikud faktorid. Katkine varustus nagu näiteks sassis ja katki läinud liinid, katkised konksuaasad on mõningad varustuse tõrked, mis võivad muuta selle kasutuskõlbmatuks. Me aitame selgeks teha kuidas õigel moel turvaliselt kaldale tagasi saada.
Kui sulle meeldib vaalasid vaadelda, siis pea meeles, et mida kaugemale sa kaldast lohega sõidad, seda pikem saab tagasi ujumine olema.
Esimene samm - One line the kite
Attach your kite leash to one single line (preferably a center line), and release your safety, located on/above your chicken loop, from your harness. The kite should flag out completely on one line. This will disable the kite from further use or accidental flight, and is meant to depower the kite as much as possible while still attached.
Teine samm - Retrieve bar
Move hand over hand up the single line, keeping tension on it, until you reach the bar. (Note: continue past the bar to retrieve the kite in an emergency situation). Wrap the single line around the bar end several times to lock it off. An additional option is to remove your kite leash from the line and attach it to your board's foot strap to help keep it close throughout the duration of the self-rescue.
Kolmas samm - Wrap up the lines
Begin wrapping all of your lines around the ends of the bar as neatly as possible. Continue winding the lines towards the kite until you are within half of the kite's length, making sure along the way that only the original line is tensioned. Lock off all four lines by wrapping them a few times around one bar end, and finish with a half-hitch. Grab a hold of the kite and move towards the center of the leading edge, which should upside down in the same position as when you inflated. Attach your bar's chicken loop to the Velcro of one of the main valves to secure it.
Neljas sammh - Sail to shore (Skip to full pack down if necessary)
Decide whether you can use the kite to sail you back to land; if not, skip to full pack down (step 5). Fold the kite in half, and work your way down to the touching wing tips. Some kites have handles to aid in self-rescues just inside the canopy wing tips. Otherwise, grab a hold of the two front bridles or wing tips. Position your kite towards shore and begin to sail in.
Step Five - (Full pack down)
A few reasons why you may no longer be able to sail to shore include: the wind died, switched off shore, or increased dramatically; leading edge deflated, kite split in half, or worse. . Since the kite is no longer of any use, it is necessary to pack down your kite as much as possible to be able to swim in more easily. After completing step three, deflate only the leading edge. Prevent the struts from losing air on one-pump systems by clipping off the connector tubes. Roll up both sides of the kite until they meet at the center strut. Be sure to close the release valve to ensure that no water gets into the leading edge bladder. Take off your harness and wrap it around the rolled up struts of your kite. Place the secured kite on top of your board, and then climb on. The inflated struts will act as good floatation when you tire during the sizeable swim back to shore.
Self-rescues can often be overlooked in the learning process, but they are necessary to a self-sufficient kiteboarder. Sudden equipment failures and unexpected weather changes can be hard to see and avoid for any rookie, amateur or even professional kiteboarder. Knowing how to properly rescue all of your equipment and yourself is integral to having safe sessions every time. So, the next time something goes terribly wrong, you can be confident that you will make it back safely and efficiently just in time to grab a drink with your buddies to tell them about your well averted kite mare.
Käes on aeg lõpetada see enesepäästmine mida sa õppisid oma esimesel lohesurfi koolitusel.. Olukorrad kus enesepäästmist vaja võib minna võivad olla erinevad aga igal lohesurfil tuleb seda ette vähemalt üks kord. Tuule suuna muutus, drastilised tuule tugevuse muutused (suurenemine või vähenemine) ja lähenevad tormid on mõningad looduslikud faktorid. Katkine varustus nagu näiteks sassis ja katki läinud liinid, katkised konksuaasad on mõningad varustuse tõrked, mis võivad muuta selle kasutuskõlbmatuks. Me aitame selgeks teha kuidas õigel moel turvaliselt kaldale tagasi saada.
Kui sulle meeldib vaalasid vaadelda, siis pea meeles, et mida kaugemale sa kaldast lohega sõidad, seda pikem saab tagasi ujumine olema.
Esimene samm - One line the kite
Attach your kite leash to one single line (preferably a center line), and release your safety, located on/above your chicken loop, from your harness. The kite should flag out completely on one line. This will disable the kite from further use or accidental flight, and is meant to depower the kite as much as possible while still attached.
Teine samm - Retrieve bar
Move hand over hand up the single line, keeping tension on it, until you reach the bar. (Note: continue past the bar to retrieve the kite in an emergency situation). Wrap the single line around the bar end several times to lock it off. An additional option is to remove your kite leash from the line and attach it to your board's foot strap to help keep it close throughout the duration of the self-rescue.
Kolmas samm - Wrap up the lines
Begin wrapping all of your lines around the ends of the bar as neatly as possible. Continue winding the lines towards the kite until you are within half of the kite's length, making sure along the way that only the original line is tensioned. Lock off all four lines by wrapping them a few times around one bar end, and finish with a half-hitch. Grab a hold of the kite and move towards the center of the leading edge, which should upside down in the same position as when you inflated. Attach your bar's chicken loop to the Velcro of one of the main valves to secure it.
Neljas sammh - Sail to shore (Skip to full pack down if necessary)
Decide whether you can use the kite to sail you back to land; if not, skip to full pack down (step 5). Fold the kite in half, and work your way down to the touching wing tips. Some kites have handles to aid in self-rescues just inside the canopy wing tips. Otherwise, grab a hold of the two front bridles or wing tips. Position your kite towards shore and begin to sail in.
Step Five - (Full pack down)
A few reasons why you may no longer be able to sail to shore include: the wind died, switched off shore, or increased dramatically; leading edge deflated, kite split in half, or worse. . Since the kite is no longer of any use, it is necessary to pack down your kite as much as possible to be able to swim in more easily. After completing step three, deflate only the leading edge. Prevent the struts from losing air on one-pump systems by clipping off the connector tubes. Roll up both sides of the kite until they meet at the center strut. Be sure to close the release valve to ensure that no water gets into the leading edge bladder. Take off your harness and wrap it around the rolled up struts of your kite. Place the secured kite on top of your board, and then climb on. The inflated struts will act as good floatation when you tire during the sizeable swim back to shore.
Self-rescues can often be overlooked in the learning process, but they are necessary to a self-sufficient kiteboarder. Sudden equipment failures and unexpected weather changes can be hard to see and avoid for any rookie, amateur or even professional kiteboarder. Knowing how to properly rescue all of your equipment and yourself is integral to having safe sessions every time. So, the next time something goes terribly wrong, you can be confident that you will make it back safely and efficiently just in time to grab a drink with your buddies to tell them about your well averted kite mare.