March 2016

Не пытайтесь казатя серфером

Не пытайтесь казаться серфера. Просто серфинг. Если вы делаете surfiga и вы любите путешествовать, вы серфер. Не пытайтесь быть активным в любом виде серфера, как вы видели фильм, потому что это не красиво. И даже если у них были, они не были бы особенно хорошо. Это не просто, кто вы и серфинга в то же время. Там нет ничего хуже, чем поговорить с кем-то, кто недавно обнаружил, что вы серфер, а также он является серфера. Это не элитный клуб секретного рукопожатия и пароля. Это просто для серфинга.


Новый старт

Новый старт Начало Празднование Лаки Human Celebrity Открытый фестиваль Работа Событие Гранд Церемония Люди Активность Начало Открытие Стороны Известные Фейерверки Традиция Финансы Инаугурация Бизнес Момент Коллеги Приветствия


Новое событие

Новое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событиеНовое событие


Ärge püüdke näida surfar

Eesti Lohesurfiklubi / Kitesurf Estonia

Ärge püüdke näida surfar. Lihtsalt surfake. Kui te tegelete surfiga ja teile meeldib surfata, siis te oletegi surfar. Ärge püüdke aktiivselt olla mõni selline surfar nagu te olete filmis näinud, sest see ei ole päris. Ja kui ka oleks, siis nad ei oleks eriti head. Lihtsalt olge need kes te olete ja surfake samal ajal. Pole midagi hullemat kui rääkida kellegagi kes on hiljuti avastanud, et te olete surfar ja ka tema ise on surfar. See ei ole mingi eliit klubi salajase käepigistuse ja parooliga. See on lihtsalt surfamine.


Test material

New Launch Beginning Celebration Lucky Human Celebrity Open Festival Work Event Grand Ceremony People Activity Starting Opening Parties Famous Fireworks Tradition Finance Inauguration Business Moment Colleagues Cheers


Suurim vale lohesurfi kohta

Levinud on väga suur eksiarvamus ja seda eriti naiste hulgas, et lohesurfi õppimiseks sa pead olema väga tugev või et sul peab olema vähemalt tugev ülakeha, et suuta lohet õhus hoida. Seda kasutatakse tihti põhjusena miks mitte võtta seda esimest sammu lohesurfi koolituse suunas. See on ka ilmselt üks peamisi põhjuseid miks naiste osakaal sellel spordialal on nii väike. Õnneks on see nüüd hakanud natuke suurenema. Lihtne tõde on see, et see on vale ja põhjus on järgmine.

Lohesurfi õpetus - KGB

Lohesurfi õpetus - Grabbed NIS

Lohesurfi õpetus - Crow Mobe 5

Lohesurfi õpetus - Bel Air

Test material

Test materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest materialTest material


Lohesurfi õpetus - Frontside 7

Lohesurfi laud "Lieuwe Wild Thing"


Selle lauaga võib sõita ilma uimedeta. See võimaldab nina ja saba peal libisemist ja reelingutel ja kikkerite peal sõitmist. Wild Thing on wakestyle laud põhjakanalite ja nõgusustega, et alustades ja maandudes wakestyle manöövreid hoida haaret veega. Seda kõike kaotamata laua mängulisust.

* Purunematu
* Progressiivsed kanalid
* 3D puidust südamik
* Dünaamiine painduvus
* Saabaste-kindel
* Uimedeta sõitmine
* Saadaolevad suurused: 136*41 | 138*42 | 142*43

Küsi pakkumist!
Price: €699.00

Esmaabi andmine

Esmaabi andmist ei tohiks kunagi võtta kergelt. Pea meeles:

* Esiteks - ära vigasta

* Kui kahtled - ära tee

* Alati otsi professionaalset abi

* Alati enne aitamist küsi luba, välja arvatud kui kannatanu on teadvuseta

* Olge teadlik oma piirangutest

Kogemustega arstiabi peaks alati otsitama kui vähegi võimalik ja nii kiiresti kui võimalik, igas olukorras mis nõuab esmaabi. On väga soovitav, et kõik surfarid läbiksid esmaabi ja elustamise koolituse osaledes vastavas koolitusprogrammis.

Meie eesmärk

Our purpose
To create happiness by providing the finest service for people of all ages, everywhere.

Lohesurfi õpetus - Whirley Bird

GPS for kitesurfing

It is interesting to use a GPS for logging some of your kitesurfing sessions, particularly downwinders.

Desirable features for kitesurfing

- A compact GPS is best.
- Wrist mounted provides easiest access
- Download track log for sessions
- If waterproof IPX8 rated (fully sealed, no gaskets) can use without a waterproof case
- Large screen display option makes it easier to read on the water
- Route navigation (only available in high end devices)

Early generation GPS devices

Lohesurfi õpetus - 6x Bel Air

Red Bull King of the Air 2016

Lohesurfi õnnetused #2

Lohesurfi laud "Wainman Hawaii Joke"


Keskmine rokker, kaalult kerge, vigursõidu ja veestiili laud.

See vastupidav laud pakub igale lohesurfarile segu jõudlusest, mis on ainulaadne ja põnev, vigursõidust veelauastiilini sileda vee peale, liugurite peal sõitmiseks, kohalikus rannas kruisimiseks või isegi lainete voolimiseks. Hullumeelselt stabiilne ja pritsmevaba lainetes sõit, super ülestuult minek, massiivne pop ja nõtked pöörded, kõik see koos sportliku aga sõbraliku iseloomuga teeb uuest JOKE'st ideaalse laua igale sõitjale!

Suurused: 134x40,5 cm; 138x41,5 cm; 142x42,5 cm
Price: €555.00

Lohesurfi õpetus - Hoochie Guide

The Waves

Waves are one of the most enjoyable features of the the ocean. You can ride them, jump over them, dive under them, simply watch then gently roll in, or gasp as they crash and roar during a big swell.

Different conditions affect waves and it’s important to understand how the waves work, what types of waves may be present when you visit, and how you can deal with them to reduce the potential for injury.
Here's some top tips about the waves:

Mees surfab koos koeraga

Top 10 parimat lohesurfi kohta üle maailma

Ideaalse lohesurfi koha leidmiseks on vaja rohkem kui head tuult. See on sellest loomulikult suur osa aga on ka muid tegureid mida silmas pidada. Näiteks kui sile, ebaühtlane või laineline on vesi, ilmastiku tingimused (peale tuule) ja koha üleüldine õhkkond. Muidugi, kui sul on oma lohe, laud ja trapets, võid sa minna surfama kohta, mis on sinu lähedal - olgu see siis järv või kohalik rand. Kui sa otsid aga sihtkohta, et saada osa sellest kasvava populaarsusega spordialast, siis siin on kümme soovitust üle maailma. Vaja on ainult tahet ja natuke tuult (võib-olla ka kalipsot).

Lohesurfi õnnetused

Lohesurfi õpetus - Pete Rose

Lohesurfi õpetus - Scarecrow

Lohesurfi õpetus - Slurpee

A few words about ourselves

Experience the fun & excitement of surfing with Estonia ´s top surf school

Experience how it feels to brake away and slide down the face of a wave with the support of a great bunch of friendly coaches. The surf school program is fun, structured, professional and safe. Great setting, atmosphere and smiling faces makes all the difference! We’ll go as far as guaranteeing the best instructors and surf experience on the island. We are located right on Saaremaa, which has probably the best waves for learning to surf in Estonia.


Committed to Excellence

To provide the aspiring surfer instruction in a safe, structured, high quality and experiential manner that is delivered in a fun, consistent, and purposeful way with friendly, experienced and insightful instructors.

Lohesurfi õpetus - Batwing

Kitesurfing styles


Freeride is anything that you want it to be and the most popular kitesurfing style. Most boards sold today are designed for freeride. It’s about having fun and learning new techniques. Twintip boards and kites with good relaunch and a wide wind range are commonly used.


The kite and board are used to get big air (jumps) so that various tricks can be done while airborne. This style also used for competitive events and is free-format and "go anywhere". Smaller twintip boards and kites with good boost and hangtime are used.

IKA, PKRA, KPWT, IKF, ISAF: WTF does it all Mean?

The International Kiteboarding Association (IKA) has so far been a controversial organization since its inception in 2008, but the gossip and chatter surrounding it and other large kiteboarding organizations has reached a fever pitch over the last few months. Most kiteboarders, the staff of this magazine included, has had a very hard time seeing through the accusations and claims each of these organizations is putting forward, so this article is our attempt to make sense of it all.

First Aid

Rendering first aid should never be undertaken lightly. Remember:

* First - do no harm
* If in doubt - don’t
* Always seek professional assistance
* Always seek permission to assist unless the casualty is unconscious
* Be aware of your limitations

Expert medical assistance should always be sought wherever possible, and as soon as possible, in any situation requiring first aid.
Surf Life Saving highly recommends that everyone be trained in first aid and CPR by participating in a registered training program. Get involved!

Lohesurfi õpetus - Tantrum to blind

Billabong Launch LS GBS 5/4/3


Colour: Black/Turquoise

Women's full wetsuit 5/4/3mm

AX2: A new light-weight, super-soft, flexible neoprene that's economical on shoulders and under arms
Chafe free glide skin collar
GBS CONSTRUCTION: Glue Blind Stitch Construction. It is much warmer than a basic flat lock wetsuit
Back zip entry
Price: €139.00

Lohesurfi õpetus - tantrum

Lohesurfireisi varustuse pakkimine

Eksootilistesse tuulistesse kohtadesse reisimine on suurepärane võimalus lohesurfiga tegelemiseks, iseäranis siis, kui sinu kodukandis on vaikse tuule hooaeg.

Varustuse pakkimine

Ära võta kaasa ülemäärast pagasit. Paljud lennufirmad küsivad ülemäärase pagasi eest suuri summasid. Kui sa ei ole ettevaatlik siis võivad pagasi hinnad olla suuremad kui näiteks siseriikliku lennu hinnad.

Mõned strateegiad vältimaks ülemäärast pagasit:

Lohesurfi sõidueesõiguse reeglid

Sõidueesõiguse reeglid panevad paika selle kellel on eesõigus ja kes peaks möödudes teed andma.

Kuidas muuta lohesurfi puhkus igaveseks

Kuidas muuta see lohesurfi puhkus jäävaks elustiiliks?

Me usume, et kui see on sinu saatus elada lohesurfi paradiisis, siis igaks võib seda teha. Kõik sõltub sellest mis on sinu jaoks oluline.

Üle maailma kasvava lohesurfi tööstusega ilmub ka üha enam lohesurfiga seotud töökohti.

Узнать больше

Узнать больше

о кайтсерфинга

Tea rohkem

Tea rohkem

lohesurfi kohta

Lohesurf on veepealne spordiala mis ühendab ühte ekstreemspordialasse elemendid vee- ja lumelaua ning purilauasõidust, surfamisest, paraplaneerimisest, rulasõidust ja võimlemisest.

Lohesurf on teatud viisil mööda vett ja lainetel sõitmine, mis kasutab standardseid surfi- või selleks spetsiaalselt kujundatud laudu. Lohelauasõitja kasutab ära tuule jõu suure ja võimsa juhitava lohega, mis paneb ta surfilauale sarnaneval jalarihmade või sidemetega lohelaual liikuma mööda vett.

Purilaud vs. Lohesurf


Kuidas teha elustamist (CPR)

Raputa ja karju

Mida teha: Haarake õlgadest ja raputage tugevasti, et kannatanut üles ajada. Kui kannatanu selle peale üles ei ära, siis liigu teise sammuni. Ära püüa liiga pikalt kannatanut üles ajada. Kui see peale viit sekundit ei mõju, liigu järgmise sammuni. Kannatanut ei saa elustamisega vigastada aga kui ta vajab elustamist ja sa seda ei tee, siis ta võib surra.

7 parimat kohta lohesurfiks Lõuna-Ameerikas

Otsid rikkumata randasid ja siledat vett, et minna aastaringselt lohega sõitma? Vaata Lõuna Ameerika õndsatele rannikutele. Ükskõik kas oled algaja või professionaal, päev mis on veedetud päikese käes avatud ookeanil surfamas Brasiiliast Argentiinani on vajalik kogemus. Seikluseotsijad ja veespordi armastajad, järgnevalt toome ära parimad kohad lohesurfiks, mis Lõuna-Ameerikal pakkuda on.

Parimad kohad Lõuna-Ameerikas lohesurfamiseks

1. Máncora, Peruu

Lohesurfi lohe "Peter Lynn Fury"


The 2016 Fury is built for those who go big and ride hard.

But most of all it is built to provide you with everything you need to have mind blowing sessions every time you go out to play.

The Fury is built with maximum performance in mind. This fantastic piece of engineering will maximise your jumps, provide you with massive airtime, have you screaming upwind and makes you ride at teeth grinding speeds. All of this insane performance is delivered in an easy, predictable and reliable way so that you will always feel in total control.
Price: €1,769.00

KINKEKAART - Lohesurfikoolitus


Kas kingituste päev on tulemas? Ei tea mida kinkida ja tahad lõpetada tavaliste igavate kingituste tegemise?

Tee ekstreemne kingitus mis jätab igaühe sõnatuks! Kingi lohesurfi koolitus! Kingi unustamatu elamus!


Eesti Lohesurfiklubi / Kitesurf Estonia
Price: €199.00

Know more

Know more

about kitesurfing

Kiteboarding is a surface water sport combining aspects of wakeboarding, snowboarding, windsurfing, surfing, paragliding, skateboarding and gymnastics into one extreme sport

Lohesurfi lohe "Peter Lynn Lynx"


The Lynx is a medium aspect ratio, open cell depower foil with a 5th line safety that makes back country exploring easy, due to its user friendliness and versatility. The kite has a very predictable and smooth power delivery and it offers great turning speed to allow for quick redirects or to get going even in lighter winds. Its superb stability and controllable power build-up make the Lynx a great kite for those starting out while its acceleration and snappy controls allow for the confidence to make quick progression.
Price: €650.00

Top 10 Health Benefits of Kitesurfing

Kitesurfing is not only an extreme sport but also a phenomenal exercise for your body and your mind.

Health Fitness Revolution has done some research to bring you the top 10 benefits that the continued practice of kitesurfing can bring to your physical and mental health:

Кайтсерфинг кайт "Advance Kaiman S"


Kaiman on vabasõidu lohe mis sobib hästi ka lainelsõiduks.
Poomi surve on täpselt ideaalne: piisavalt pehme ja ei väsita käsivarsi, lubades lihtsalt ja mugavalt ka ühe käega sõita, kuid annab alati ka piisavalt tagasisidet, et ei ole vaja pidevalt lohe poole vaadata. Kaiman S on lõbus võidusõidu lohe, mille ülestuule jõudlusel ei ole vastast. Hea aerodünaamika, kupli pinge, väikese tuule suutlikkus ja tohutu tuuleulatus on teinud Kaimanist tuntud lohe, millega on võimalik teha kõrgeid hüppeid pika lennuaja ja õhus planeerimisega.
Saadaval erinevad suurused.
Price: €1,900.00

Lohesurfi lohe "Peter Lynn Phantom"


Take charge, go everywhere

The Charger has proven to be more stable, durable, adaptable and more capable of serving you excellent kiting performance. For this new iteration of the ultimate 'do it all' kite we have taken all the best aspects of the original and combined it with the valuable user feedback we received since the original Charger's release, resulting in a kite which has the performance we intended but with the user-friendly aspects today's market demands.

Saadaolevad suurused: 6.5m²; 8m²; 10m²; 12m²; 15m²; 18m²; 22.5m²

Komplekti kuuluvad
Price: €990.00

Кайтсерфинг кайт "Peter Lynn Escape"


Suunatud ambitsioonikatele sõitjatele, kes tahavad lohet, millel oleks hea pop ja suur jõud. Escape on ülim vabasõidu ja vigursõidu masin, mis annab oma jõu teile kätte etteaimataval ja usaldusväärsel viisil. Iga lohesõidu kord peaks sind inspireerima oma sõitu parandama samal ajal nautides vee peal olekut. Escape annab sulle võimaluse edukalt areneda.
Price: €1,270.00

Why Taking a Kite Lesson Can Save You Money and Get You Learning Kitesurfing Quicker!

If your interested in learning to kitesurf you're probably wondering whether to take a kite lesson or not. There are plenty of instruction videos and manuals out there... why don't you just teach yourself? Any good instructional video or manual will advise you that the safest and quickest way to learn kitesurfing is to take a kite lessons. Sure a video is great for reminding you of the things you've covered during your kite lesson but you should never attempt to learn solely from a video or manual...Why? read on....


Why Kiteboarders Need to Start Thinking Like Athletes

To be a healthy and progressing kiteboarder, you have to think and train like an athlete. You can't just show up to kiteboard on Sunday morning when the wind is blowing and hope to stay out all day and injury free. Or be able to fully enjoy your kiteboarding vacation. When we are learning to kiteboard on a kiteboarding holiday or already know how to kitesurf, most of us would like to be able to squeeze every last minute out of the wind.

The Top Ten Myths About Kitesurfing

Kitesurfing has only been a mainstream sport for a little over 10 years now which means there a lot of common misconceptions regarding how it works, what you need, how much it costs, and how safe it is. When most people think about kitesurfing, which is also known as kiteboarding, they think that it's the same thing as windsurfing or wakeboarding. In reality, the sport is completely different from anything else out there. Though it is a board sport, it's basically 75% kite flying and 25% board riding. This article dispels the most common myths about kitesurfing.

Learning to Kiteboard - Are Kiteboarding Lessons Really Necessary?

Kiteboarding or kitesurfing is the latest water sport sweeping the globe in the new millennium. If you have seen someone kiteboarding you know that not only does this sport look amazing but it is fun to watch. Many kiteboarders became enthralled and obsessed with learning this sport after seeing it for the first time. "..but it looks so easy" is a common statement I hear from students who thought they would be riding in the three hour lesson. The truth is kiteboarding is really not that hard. It is multitasking of wakeboarding and flying a kite.

Kiteboard Leash - Why Not to Use One

A kiteboard leash is a any tether which connects a kiteboarder or kitesurfer to his or her kiteboard, not to be confused with a kite leash which is an essential piece of kiteboarding safety equipment. The idea behind the kiteboard leash to help the kiteboarder not loose the board when the two become separated. The problem lies in the safety of this devise, and what can happen when things go wrong.

Kiteboarding DVD Reviews

People kiteboard in different ways. Some people prefer kitesurfing in the waves, other people like to kite in flatwater and challenge themselves to throw wakeboarding tricks behind their kite as well as to hit rails, kickers, and other obstacles. Still others enjoy a combination of all kinds of riding. Here is a list of some of the best action kiteboarding and kitesurfing DVD's to date.

Wakestyle Kiteboarding DVDs

Kiteboarding - The Kite Control Bar

You have seen them on the water, and maybe on the snow as well; riders racing along and boosting into the air at will, able to travel in any direct, and across any terrain while being pulled by the force of a giant kite. Kite sports have quickly evolved in the last ten years to become the newest and fastest growing "extreme" sport. So how does it all work? What are these riders doing to control the massive kites, and how is it possible that a kiter can stand on the beach or walk around while still flying a kite that moments before boosted him forty feet into the air?

Safety Kitesurfing Guidelines

When you start to kite surf, you can be overwhelmed with number of detailed things you should keep a track of. so it a good idea that you create a check list of things that you should pay attention to before and after you kitesurf.

First of all, take a basic course to learn basic safety. A motto to keep in mind is to have "safety before excitement" This applies from the beginners to the novice stage.

Wakeboarding Is Not Just For Rich Kids Anymore

Want to go wakeboarding? Cool, hook up the fifty thousand dollar boat to the F-350, fill the gas tanks, drop it in the lake and go carve it up. There is nothing like the feeling of setting the edge of the board and throwing spray across the lake. Unfortunately not everybody has access to a nice boat, or the time to deal with everything else involved in setting up a great wakeboarding session. Fortunately there is a revolution under way that is making wakeboarding accessible to everyone. There are now three new ways to ride without the use of a boat.

Kiteboarding Equipment Maintenance - Board Inspection

Kiteboarders can ride anything while being pulled by their kite, from kiteboards, wakeboards, surfboards, and skimboards on the water, to skis or snowboards on the snow, or even skateboards, offroad mountain boards, or buggies across the land. That's one of the best parts about kiteboarding.

Kiteboarding Equipment Maintenance, Pre Flight Kite Inspection

Kiteboarding equipment is built tough, and is meant to last for years, but as with anything, wear and tear can add up and eventually lead to gear failure. Here a list of areas to check on your kiteboarding kite before heading out for a ride.

On the kite:

Kiteboarding Lessons - What Conditions Make Learning Easier

Learning to kiteboard is for many is an exciting challenge yet for others it can vary from frustrating to down right terrifying. Given ideal conditions the average person will be getting their first rides on a kiteboard after 5-6 hours of instruction. The consistency of the wind, amount of waves, air and water temperature, adequate space, and depth of the water all play into the difficulty one faces when learning to kiteboard. By choosing a location with optimal conditions you can get up and riding much faster and safer.

Kiteboarding: Marine Life - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Kiteboarding is one of the most fun, exciting, and enriching ways to explore the oceans of our planet. Kite propelled gliding and flying across the water to remote locations is fun, but amidst all the excitement we sometimes forget that we are explorers, and guests in an element that is not our own. Many of the waters inhabitants are intriguing and harmless, but there are many which are not. Here is a brief guide to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly that you are likely to encounter throughout your kiteboarding adventures.

The Good

Selecting the Best Kiteboarding School

Kiteboarding is a popular extreme sport and because of this, some folks think it is only for those who want to risk their own safety. But the truth is, kiteboarding is a safe sport and it only takes a few mastered lessons before you become a pro. By entering a kiteboarding school, you will learn not only the basics in kiteboarding, but also the different techniques on how to stay safe while in the waters.

Wetsuits For Kitesurfing - The Details to Look For That Will Keep You Warm and Flexible

Wetsuits are an essential bit of kit for any serious kitesurfer and will be something you would be well advised to know a bit about before you splash your cash. We'll have a look at some of the differences between wetsuits and what you should be looking for in a wetsuit to go kitesurfing with.

How Much Should I Spend on My First Set of Kitesurfing Equipment?

One of the most common questions I get asked after giving someone kitesurfing lessons is "how much will it cost me to get into kitesurfing?" Most people don't want to spend hundreds of pounds on new kit in a sport they haven't mastered yet. This is a fair concern and one that has be taken seriously as kitesurfing can get quite expensive. So in this article we're going to look at how much you should be spending and some tricks to cut down the entry cost.

Kitesurfing Lessons - Get Involved in the Kitesurfing Lifestyle

Kitesurfing is widely becoming one of the most popular extreme sport activities in the world. Brought on by windsurfers wanting more transportable equipment to enable them to travel the world. Kitesurfing brings you, adrenalin, excitement, freedom and enables you to join the ever growing community to bring you into the kitesurf lifestyle!

So why not learn today and become apart of this amazing sport!

Why take lessons?

Kitesurfing Boards - A Brief Introduction

Kitesurfing Boards are obviously a very important element of kitesurfing. There is far too much focus on the kites when, in many situations, the type of board used will make the big difference instead of the kite type or size. Kite boards are made of different materials depending on the type and purpose they are used for.

There are different types of kitesurfing boards. Taking into consideration that kitesurfing is one of the fastest growing sports it is expected to see new types of kite surf boards with new materials, shapes, etc. to be brought to the sport in the coming years.

The Greatest Lie Ever Told About Kitesurfing

There is a huge misconception generally held by women looking to learn to kitesurf that you have to be very strong or at least have some upper body strength to hold the kite in the air. I often hear this given as a reason (or excuse) for not even taking that first step and taking their first kitesurf lesson. In my opinion this is one of the main reasons that the number of women partaking in the sport is so low, thankfully, it is now starting to increase. However the simple truth remains, this is a lie and its a whopper, and here's why.

The Importance of Taking Kitesurfing Lessons

More and more people are getting into kitesurfing. But even though their number increases, only few of them are willing to take proper kitesurfing lessons from expert trainers.

Taking kitesurfing lessons is very important so you can be efficient in performing this extreme sport, as well as to avoid accidents and injuries while in the waters. There are several important bases why you should take kitesurfing classes. Below are some reasons that you need to highly consider before trying to learn kitesurfing by yourself:

Kitesurfing is the Hottest Sport on the Water

The sport of kitesurfing was started in the 1980's, but did not become popular until the 21st century. Before the year 2000 there were probably only around one thousand kite surfers in the world. By 2005 the number had risen to nearly 100,000. Kitesurfing is also commonly known as kiteboarding, and in some European countries as flysurfing. The idea of kitesurfing is simple... use a large, powerful kite for thrust and stand on a surfboard in order to reach high speeds. At these high speeds, anyone can perform amazing and exhilarating stunts!

How to kitesurf

You have been bitten by the KiteSurfing bug, you can't wait to hit the first current to propel your body screaming 40-feet into the air and crashing into the water. With each gusts of wind your elevated high off the surface and breaking each wave as you land. The thrill associated with the sport of KiteSurfing has many able-bodied thrill seekers flocking to the beaches across the world to set sail and fly across the top of the ocean.

Lohesurfi lainelaud "Wainman Hawaii Magnum"


Magnum - relv suurte lainete jaoks, sujuv surfi tunne, kiire sõit ja hämmastav stabiilsus.

Hoolimata sellest milline on meri, see klassikaline aga väga kaasaegne kuju pakub parimat kogemust neile kes eelistavad ülimat suurel kiirusel käsitlemist kombineeritud võitmatu surfi tunnetusega pööretel.

Täiuslikud hetked Magnumiga oleksid need eepilised suurte lainete päevad külg-kalda tuultega.

Suurused: 5'7" - 170x44,8cm; 5'10" - 178x46,1cm; 6'0 - 183x46,4cm; 6'2 - 188x46,9cm

Erinevatel suurustel erinevad hinnad. Küsi hinda!
Price: €990.00

Lohesurf Tarifal, Hispaanias

Hispaania on tõenäoliselt koht kus lohesurf on kõige rohkem kasvanud. Eriti Tarifal, mis on peamiseks lohesufi kohaks Euroopas.

Enamuse jaoks tähendab lohesurf Hispaanias kahte kohta: Tarifa ja Aafrika rannikust eemal asuvad Kanaari saared. Neid kahte kohta külastatakse aastaringselt reisivate lohesurfarite poolt palju ja siin toimub ka PKRA etapp.

Lohesurf Tarifal

The World's Top 10 Kiteboarding Spots

It takes more than wind to find an ideal kiteboarding spot. Granted, that’s a big part of it, but there are other factors to consider, like how flat, choppy, or wavy the water is, the weather (other than the wind conditions, of course), and location’s overall vibe. Sure, if you have your own kite, board, and harness, you can go kiteboarding at a place close and convenient to you — may it be a lake or your local beach — but when you’re looking for a destination to go to get your fill of this increasingly popular water sport, here are ten picks from around the globe.

Kitesurfing Boards - What is a Boards Rocker Line and What Difference Does it Make?

If you hold any kitesurfing boards horizontally in front of you (side profile view) the rocker is the line of curve you will see running from tip to tip of the board.

Rocker is included in kitesurfing boards to assist with:

* turning
* a smoother ride

Kitesurfing Boards - What is Flex and What Effect Does it Have on Your Riding?

People often talk about whether kitesurfing boards have too much flex or too little. But what is too much or too little flex, how do you know and what effect will it have on your riding?

Lohesufi laud "Wainman Hawaii Joke Pro"


Suure rokkeriga, lohe ja kaablipargi veelaua stiilile sobilik suure jõudlusega laud.

Täiesti uus JOKE PRO laud on hübriidlaud, mis paistab silma nii lohega kui ka kaablipargis ja tal on lisaks kõik populaarse ja auhinnatud JOKE eelised. Laud on mõeldud peamiselt kaablipargi spetsialistile, kes tahab sõita kui väljas ei ole piisavalt tuult.

Suurused: 138cm41.5cm; 142cm42.5cm

Eri suurustel erinevad hinnad. Küsi pakkumist!
Price: €555.00

8 Simple Tips to Safe Kiteboarding: Learn How to Prevent Accidents to You and Others

We can never forget the safety on the beach and in the water. We should understand that other beachgoers cannot understand the dynamics of a kite, so we can’t ask them to watch out for us while we are performing some trick: they have no idea where we or our kite might end up. If you think about it, it’s not worth to ruin a good kite session for an accident that could be easily avoided by applying just some basic rules to protect the others and ourselves.

Here are my TIPS, but feel free to add your ideas and comments:

Setting up your kite

It is only imperative that you know this basic step for this is one of the first things you should do when you arrive at the beach, ready for a day of Kite Surfing.

Inflating the kite

Safety signs & signals

When communicating on-water or over a distance, wind and wave noise will drown out almost all verbal communication. So it is necessary for kiteboarders to use visual communications to signify their intent, and especially useful is using hand signals. There are a specific set of hand signals that are in wide use, and are widely understood. To be a responsible kiter, you should learn the kiteboarding hand Signals listed below. Understanding these basic hand signals will improve the level of safety for you and others.

Lohesurf Türgis

Kui sa otsid türkiissinist vett, päikest ja surfamist ainult šortside väel, ilma pikkade lendudeta, siis Türgi on sinu jaoks õige koht! Lohesurf Türgis on siiamaani suhteliselt avastamata ja siin on piisavalt ruumi, et saaksid omas tempos rahulikult areneda. Mitte kõik rannad ei luba lohesurfareid suve peamistel kuudel aga üks kõige soositum ja tuule suhtes kindlaim on Gokova Bay ehk laht, mis asub Muglas.

Lohesurf Brasiilias

Lohesurf Brasiilias on selle suure maa kirdeküljel vapustav sihtkoht lohesurfarite jaoks üle maailma. Ja kuigi kirdes asub ainult väike osa Brassilia lohesurfi kohtadest, on just see saanud väga populaarseks lohesurfarite seas kes soovivad oma piire laiendada tehes üha suuremaid ja võimsamaid trikke. Üks parimaid asju Brasiiliasse reisimise juures on tohutu hulk kohti mida saab külastada ja kohti kus saab surfata.

Mõned parimad ja tuntuimad lohesurfi piirkonnad Kirde-Brasiilias on: Cumbuco, Lagoa Cauipe (Lagoon) ja Lagoa (Taiba) lagoon, ja Paracuru.

Lohesurf Kariibi meres

Lohesurf Kariibi merel toob silme ette sooja, türkiissinise, sileda vee, soojad tuuled ja lohesurfi. Kariibi mere piirkond pakub rikkalikku valikut surfikohti. Kariibi mere lohesurf ootab avastamist. Sega see kokku erinevate kultuuridega ja erinevate ajastutega ajaloost ja sa saad aru, et Kariibi mere lohesurf on segu kõigest - koloniaalajastust, rastast, piraatidest, rokkstaaridest, kuulsustest jne.

Lohesurf Vietnamis

Veel üks sihtkoht, mis on lohesurfi jaoks väga populaarseks saanud on Mui Ne Vietnamis. See suurepärane lohesurfi koht kogub populaarsust nagu paljud muud uued tärkavad lohesurfi sihtkohad Aasias. Head tuuled, soe vesi, liivased rannad ja odavad hinnad teevad selle väga ahvatlevaks. Lisaks on Vietnamil huvitav kultuur ja hea kohalik toit.

Lohesurf Filipiinidel

Filipiinidel, Boracay saarel lohesurfamine on hinnatud Yahoo reiside poolt kui üks top 10 ranna sihtkohast maailmas - kui sa näed lohega surfates neid lummavaid vaateid, siis tead miks sa tulid.

Parimad tuuled: detsembrist märtsini
Tuule tugevus: ühtlane 7 - 10 m/s
Vee temperatuur: šortsid/bikiinid
Vee tüüp: sile vesi, segalaine, lained
Ilm: troopiline - soe kuni kuum
Ööelu: Jah - restoranid, baarid ja klubid
Kohalik vihje: võtke kaasa jalanõud merisiilikute vastu

Lohesurf Austraalias

Austraalia on üks parimaid kohti maailmas lohesurfi jaoks. Üle 35 877 kilomeetri rannajoont, kus on laineid, tuult ja siledat vett kõigi sõitjate jaoks.

Maailma suurim saar on lohesurfi paradiis. Lõputute liivarandade ja veega koht pakub lohesurfaritele troopilist, subtroopilist ja parasvöötme kliimat. Erinevad tuulte kiirused teevad lohesurfi ideaalseks.

Lohesurf Lõuna-Aafrikas

Lohesurf Lõuna-Aafrikas pakub mõningaid kõige ilusamaid kohti mida sa kunagi näed. Aastaringsed kuumad kuni soojad temperatuurid ja ühtlased tuuled on need mis teevad Lõuna-Aafrikast väärt reisikoha.

Aafrika Safarid ja elusloodus, ilusad mitmekesised kultuurid, suurepärane ööelu linnades ja imelised, inimesteta liivased rannad ning head tuuled on need mis teevad lohesurfist Lõuna-Aafrikas selle tõmbenumbri mis ta on. Ei ole seega kokkusattumus, et Aaron Hadlow ja Reuben Lenten valisid Kaplinna ja Lõuna-Aafrika oma peamiseks lohesurfi trennikohaks suvekuudel, novembrist märtsini.

Lohesurf Californias, Ameerikas

Lohesurf Californias pakub palju võimalusi. See ookeani lähedane osariik pakub lõputuid võimalusi lohesurfi jaoks. Ainsaks puuduseks on konkurents hea rannaala/rigamise ruumi pärast. Selle osariigi rahvaarv on sama nagu terves Kanada riigis ja loomulikult tahab igaüks oma veeäärset paradiisi. Ole ettevaatlik surfates rahvastatud randades ja puhkuse ajal - ja austa kohalikke reegleid ja vetelpäästja nõuandeid.

Lohesurf Dahabis, Egiptuses

Lohesurf Dahabis on rahulikum, vähem külastatud osa lohesurfist Egiptuses ja pakub lahedat meeleolu lohesurfaritele ja purilauduritele, kes ajavad taga oma kirge. Lihtne on Sharmist päevaks sinna sõita aga palju parem on sinna peatuma jääda. Dahab on 80km läbi kõrbe ja Sharm El Sheik'st rannikult ülespoole. Esimene asi mida sa tähele paned kui sa laguuni jõuad on see, et purjelauasõit on endiselt elus ja terve.

Lohesurf Sharm El Sheikis, Egiptuses

Lohesurfil Sharm El Sheikis on paljugi pakkuda! Sharm El Sheik - Naama Bay, mis asub Siinai poolsaare tipus on tuntud kui "Egiptuse Las Vegas". Säravad tuled ja askeldamine tänavatel annavad sellele kohale atmosfääri. Sharm-Naama piirkond on täis eksootilisi restorane ja kalleid hotelle kellele kuuluvad rannad selles kaitstud lahes. Hämmastavad korallid ja vrakisukeldumised on aga need, mis on tõmmanud inimesi sellesse Punase mere linna juba aastaid.

Sharmist kirde suunas on 2 lähedalasuvat lohesurfi piirkonda.

Lohesurf Egiptuses

Egiptus pakub lohesurfi jaoks mõningaid häid kohti. Mõned neist on Hurgada/El Gouna, Ras Sudr, Sharm El Sheik, El Tur ja Dahab.

Hurgada/El Gouna tunduvad olevat populaarsed kuurortide piirkonnad aga Sharm El Sheik, Dahab ja Ras Sudr pakuvad endiselt suurepäraseid vähem rahvastatuid võimalusi mida ei tohiks tähelepanuta jätta.

Hurghada/El Gouna

Rescuing others

You can use your kite to rescue others, but it is very important to not become part of the problem yourself. You can render assistance to and rescue other water users if required, including swimmers, boaters, sailors, windsurfers and other kitesurfers. Someone with one or both hands raised above their head and waving requires assistance - this is a distress signal.

CAUTION: Only kitesurfers with advanced skills should attempt to rescue others. If a less experienced kitesurfer attempts a rescue and gets their own kite lines tangled, then two people require rescuing.

Snowkiting, The Ultimate Winter Boardsport

Ever wish you could snowboard wherever you wanted, including across snow covered fields and frozen lakes buries in powder? How about up hills as well as down? With the power of a kiteboarding kite and 10 miles an hour of wind or more, you can. Snowkiting is the ultimate new sport for powder-hounds, freestylers, and snowbound wakeboarders. Combining all the elements of snowboarding with many of those from wakeboarding plus the freedom of backcountry snowmobile access, snowkiting takes winter to the next level.

History of kitesurfing

The modern sport of kitesurfing originated around 1995.

In the 1800s, George Pocock used kites of increased size to propel carts on land and ships on the water, using a four-line control system - the same system in common use today. Both carts and boats were able to turn and sail upwind. The kites could be flown for sustained periods. The intention was to establish kitepower as an alternative to horsepower, partly to avoid the hated "horse tax" that was levied at that time.

Toeside riding

Toeside riding can be tricky to learn at first, but once mastered is fun. It is particularly useful for directional boards when you want turn rapidly and keep going, and for slalom turns and surfing waves. It is also the basis for many tricks and advanced techniques on twin tip boards.

Steps - twin tip

Self rescue

Sometimes things get out of hand. This situation can occur for example when:

* The wind picks up beyond your capacity to handle it with your kite, or
* Equipment failure - a broken pulley, line or kite.

The following self rescue technique is the best way to keep yourself off the front page of the news. If you kite long enough, you will need to know this!


Kiteloops are an advanced trick. They are exhilarating but also dangerous. Some kitesurfers avoid them completely due to the risks involved. Take your time if you want to learn how to do them.

The basic maneuver is to jump then loop the kite while you are in the air and land downwind.

It is best to build up to your first kiteloop in stages:

Back rolls

Back rolls are an intermediate trick that can lead to disorientation and crashes. You should be staying upwind, be able to jump and ride toeside before attempting this trick/skill.

As your skills improve its great to learn some tricks. The Back roll is fairly easy to learn and great fun to do! The kite keeps flying in the direction you are going while your body does a shallow loop in the air.


Self launching

WARNING: Self launching a kite is an advanced skill, and is best learned under instruction


5 parimat lohesurfi kohta Aasias

Kui seda peetakse ekstreemspordiks tänu kiirusele ja puhtalt põnevuse pärast, on lohesurf ennast sisse seadnud kogu maaiilmas, või vähemalt seal, kus tingimused on sobivad, et vedada sind suure lohega surfilaual mööda vett. Lühidalt öeldes on lohesurf kombinatsioon langevarjust ja surfamisest - ideaalne hobi seiklusjanulistele.

Aasia soe ilm ja vabad veed võivad anda lisaväärtust siinse lohesurfi puhkuse atraktiivusele. Enamus kohad asuvad Kagu-Aasias aga ka Jaapanis, Lõuna-Koreas ja Taiwanis on palju surfikohti.

Sanur, Bali


WARNING: Jumping can be dangerous. Only jump when you have a clear safety zone 50m downwind and 30m upwind. Never jump in shallow water.

Once you learn your basic skills, you can try your first small jump. You may need to "unlearn" some of the reflexes you have developed while learning the basics. For example, you will be automatically sheeting the bar out to counter excess power in the kite. To jump, you need to sheet in to generate the power to get you airborne.

Your first jump - 1 to 3 meters

Lohesurf Cancunis ja Yucatani poolsaarel Mehhikos

Lohesurf Cancunis, Cozumelis ja Yucatani poolsaarel koguvad kiiresti tuntust kui üks paremaid lohesurfi sihtkohti. See on alati meeldinud neile kes elavad Ameerika külmemas kliimas ja eriti kanadalastele. Päikeselised liivarannad, hea atmosfäär ja huvitavad turismiatraktsioonid on mõningad asjad mis teevad selle ligitõmbavaks.

Unhooked riding

Caution: Riding unhooked is an advanced skill for experienced kiters.

Riding unhooked unleashes the real power of the kite - and removes your depower, which can be scary. The technique is used for both wave riding and jumping tricks.

Learning to handle the kite unhooked, on the beach:

Upwind body dragging

Upwind body dragging should be regarded as an essential skill. Many beginners are worried about losing their board while learning. Some use a board leash to connect it to them - this is very dangerous and should be avoided. You can retrieve your board when you lose it by body dragging back upwind.

Once you have learnt upwind body dragging you don't need to worry about losing your board. You can recover it even if you have a big crash and get hoiked downwind it. The technique is similar to kitesurfing wind, expect you use your body and one arm as the keel.

Lohesurfi laud "Wainman Hawaii Machete"


"Low rocker, light weight, light wind freeride board"

A new and dynamic addition to the Wainman Hawaii twin tip collection, Machete, was conceptualized and designed by the R&D department to meet the growing demand for light-wind boards.
Price: €555.00

Lohesurfi laud "Advance Kappa Chupa Chups"


Neil Advance Kappa erimudelitel on mission tuua uus maitse kõikidesse lohesurfi kohtadesse maailmas. See laud on paljude aastatega kogunud kogemuste vili ja jõudlus, mis on saanud legendaarseks, teeb sellest lauast iga lohetaja unistuse.

Kõik, alates materjalide valikust kuni laua kujuni on optimeeritud ja laud, säilitades oma eksimatu välimuse ja suurepärase jõudluse sõidu ajal, on parandanud poppi ja dünaamilist reaktsiooni hüpetele ja maandumistele.
Price: €620.00

Lohesurf Floridas, Ameerikas

Lohesurf Floridas tähendab lõputuid võimalusi. Mõlemal rannikul (ida ja lääne) on palju lohesurfi kohti. Lõuna pool Florida Keys leiad sa sooja kaitstud vee. Põhjapool rannikul on mitmeid väikelinnade seas asuvaid liivaseid randasid. Need kohad on vähem asustatud, nii et sa võid leida täiesti tühje randu.

Lohesurf Mehhikos

Kui sulle meeldib päike ja surf, siis on Mehhiko õige koht kuhu lohega surfama minna!

Kuna Mehhiko on nii soe ja suur riik nii mitmekesise rannajoonega, siis on meile alati meeldinud talvine Mehhikosse põgenemise võimalus ja võimalused mida see pakub lohesurfiks, puhkamiseks ja seiklusturismiks.

Lohesurf Venezuelas

See Kariibi mere saarte grupp eemal Lõuna-Ameerika põhjarannikult on Venetsueela parim lohesurfi koht. Kõik rannad on kergelt kaldus, laguunid on peegelsileda veega ja tuuled puhuvad aastaringselt. "Ühtlased tuuled" on selle koha teine nimi.

Parimad tuuled: aastaringselt
Tuule tugevus: 7 - 15 m/s
Vee temperatuur: šortsid/bikiinid
Vee tüüp: sile vesi
Ilm: kuiv, soojast kuumani
Ööelu: muhe saare elu
Keeled: peamiselt hispaania, aga inglise on ok.

Lohesurf Mauritiusel

Lohesurf Mauritiusel on saavutanud populaarsust lohesurfarite ja lainete huviliste Mauritiust külastavate turistide seas. Lääne ranniku lõunapoolne tipp on see kus on parimad tingimused lohesurfi ja purjelaua sõidu jaoks.

Parimad tuuled: maist oktoobrini (talvine hooaeg)
Tuule tugevus: 7 - 15 m/s, kagu
Vee temperatuur: šortsid või lühike kalipso
Vee tüüp: ideaalsed lained, suured lained ja sile laguuni vesi
Ilm: päikeseline ja troopiline
Keel: Peamiselt prantsuse (ametlikult inglise)

Lohesurf Dominikaani Vabariigis

Lohesurf Dominikaani vabariigis tähendab peamiselt lohesurfi Cabaretel - Kariibi mere kuum koht. Cabarete on saare põhjaosas asuv väike küla, mis on aastaringne lohesurfarite meka. Kohalike ja turistide seast leiab ka palju professionaale, mis omakorda lisab juurde Dominikaani Vabariigi lohesurfi kasvule. See koht võõrustab ka ühte suurimat lohesurfi võistlust maaimas - alati juuni kolmandal nädalal.
Cabarete plussiks on see, et sa võid elada piisavalt ranna lähedal, nii et sa ei pea rentima autot ja saad selle arvelt kokku hoida.

Lohesurf Barbadosel

Barbadose lohesurfil on oma osa suurepäraseid lohesurfi kohti ja võid kindel olla, et suure tõenäosusega on sul vähemalt ühel päeval vaja 6m lohe. Olles kaugeim ida Kariibi lohesurfi saar, on see tuntud kui üks tuuliseim ja ühtlasema tuulega piirkondi Kariibi meres. Tugevad idatuuled on parimad lõunarannikul, silmas tuleb aga pidada hoovuseid, kuna need muutuvad tugevaks.

Lohesurf Bahamal

Kristallselge ja soe vesi teeb Bahamast, saarte ketist mis jääb Floridast lõuasse, lohesurfi jaoks puhta rõõmu. Neli ilusat saart - Nassau Spanish Wells, Eluthera ja Harbour Islands on lühikese reisi kaugusel, et põgeneda eemale linnakärast. Bahama pealinna, Nassausse jäämine sarnaneb natuke Las Vegasele koos oma uhkete kuurortitega ja hasartmängude ning meelelahutusega. Siin on aga häid lohesurfi kohti ja suurepäraseid laevavrakke, millest üle hüpata või kuhu sukelduda.

Lohesurf Arubal

Lohesurf Arubal asub Kariibide lõunaosas ja olles natuke kaugemal lääne pool, asub see eraldi ülejäänud Kariibi mere saarte ketist. Nende jaoks kes teavad ei ole see mingi saladuslik pärl. Tänu peaaegu olematule sademete hulgale on see saar saanud väga populaarseks päikese, tuule ja päikese nautijate kohaks.

Lohesurf Hawaiil

Miski ei ole parem kui surfata Hawaii vikerkaare all. Mauil on lohesurf aastaringne spordiala, nii et teie lohesurfi puhkus võib hakata igal ajal või kesta igavesti! Kanaha loherannas, mis on suur lohesurfiks määratud piirkond on iga päev soe ja tuuline. Isegi purilauduritel on kaugemal ülestuult sõiduks oma koht.

How To Overcome The Fear Of Kitesurfing

As kite boarding becomes a more common sight, more and more people wonder whether they would be up to try it. It looks unreal, more so with people leaping 10-20 feet over the surface of water with "out of this world" stunts. You have been hearing about this amazing new sport from friends, colleagues and television. You have seen kiters and have been amazed with the fun that they seem to be having. You have been given a kiteboarding voucher as a gift. You want to try something new, something exciting and out of the box. You are all ready to go book that kiteboarding lesson.


Traveling to exotic windy locations is a great option for kitesurfing, particularly during the low-wind season where you live.

Packing gear

Watch out for excess luggage. Fuel prices are rising so many airlines now seek to get extra money by charging you high rates for excess luggage. If you are not careful, excess luggage charges can be higher than the cost of a domestic flight.

Some strategies for avoiding excess baggage:


While kitesurfing is basically a safe sport if you get appropriate training and exercise caution, it can be fast and furious and injuries are possible. For any serious injury, seek medical treatment immediate.

All these injuries are avoidable if you follow safety guidelines and kite within your ability.

Tennis Elbow

Kitesurfing Terminology


Airfoil (aerofoil): a wing, kite, or sail used to generate lift or propulsion.

Airtime: the amount of time spent in the air while jumping.

AOA, Angle of Attack: also known as the angle of incidence (AOI) is the angle with which the kite flies in relation to the wind. Increasing AOA generally gives more lift.

AOI, Angle of Incidence: angle which the kite takes compared to the wind direction

Choosing the right kite size

Choosing the right kite size for the combination of wind conditions and your body weight is a critical for safe and enjoyable kitesurfing. Getting overpowered is no fun at all and you might get hurt. If in doubt, use a smaller kite rather than larger kite.

The following table maps out weight vs. kite size for the ideal wind range (typically from around 16 to 25 knots). Remember this is only a guide!

Weight (kg) Kite size (m2)
59 8
66 9
74 10
81 11
88 12
96 13
103 14
110 15

10 Reasons Why Kitesurfing Will Make You Happier

1) You will travel to the most exotic places

There are so many stunning kitesurf spots to discover around the world, I’m getting all giddy with excitement when I just start thinking about it. I was always travel-addicted before but since I started kitesurfing it is way more fun. I already saw so many different spots and every spot has a different benefit and a different vibe but I’m still so hungry for so much more to see. Do you need an inspiration for your kite holidays? Check out the free guide to my Top 10 Kitesurfing spots here.

Lohesurfi lainelaud "Wainman Hawaii Passport"


Passport - a dedicated strapless board for any experience level in all conditions. Welcome to the world of (kite)surfing.
Price: €895.00

Lohesurf Kanadas

Kanada lohesurfil on paljugi pakkuda. Sellel tohutul riigil on kaks ookeani ja lugematu hulk järvi lohesurfi jaoks ja lõputu hulk mägedevaateid kõigi lumiste lohesurfi seikluste joaks . See tähendab, et Kanadas olles võid sa leida head tuult, siledat vett ja laineid suvel ja palju, palju lund talvel!

Kanada on tuntud ekstreemsuste poolest. Ekstreemsed temperatuurid, ekstreemspordialad - ei ole mingi ime, et lohesurf on siin populaarne.

There are groups of kitesurfers on the West Coast in and around:

Surfikoht: Stroomi rand, Tallinn


Surfikoht: Püünsi, Tallinn

Billabong Foil 5/4mm





New internal hollow fibre thermal chest and back.
Strategic positioned seams, maximum flexibility.
Internal superflex stretch neo tape.
Price: €199.00

Billabong Revolution 5/4MM





Price: €249.00

Surfikoht: Ristna, Hiiumaa


Surfikoht: Väike-Väin


Surfikoht: Kärdla rand, Hiiumaa

Surfikoht: Tahkuna poolsaar, Hiiumaa

Surfikoht: Külaküla rand, Hiiumaa


Surfikoht: Jausa, Hiiumaa


Surfikoht: Roomassaare, Saaremaa


Surfikoht: Salmistu, Harjumaa

Surfikoht: Võsu, Lääne-Virumaa

Surfikoht: Mändjala, Saaremaa


Surfikoht: Harilaid, Saaremaa

Surfikoht: Roosta, Läänemaa


Surfikoht: Paralepa, Haapsalu


Surfikoht: Laulasmaa, Harjumaa

Surfikoht: Salmistu, Harjumaa

Surfikoht: Võrtsjärv

Surfikoht: Peipsi järv

Surfikoht: Vääna, Harjumaa


Surfikoht: Pidula, Saaremaa


Surfikoht: Russalka, Tallinn


Surfikoht: Tehumardi, Saaremaa

Surfikoht: Sõrve, Saaremaa


Surfikoht: Kakumäe, Tallinn


Surfikoht: Pirita, Tallinn


Стоп Погоня Совершенство

Stop Chasing Perfection. While surfing (ideally) is great for being in the moment, it’s also incredibly easy to think about why it’s not good as it could be. Yeah, the wind is a little onshore....


Surfikoht: Katariina kai, Tallinn


Surfikoht: Nasva, Saaremaa


Surfikoht: Kolkasrags, Latvia

Surfikoht: Koovi, Saaremaa

Surfikoht: Lauttasaari, Helsinki

Lohesurfi laud "Advance Travel"


Divisible Board says NO to to extra baggage expenses and bulky suitcases!

Advance Kites Divisible Board is a special Kappa board that can fit in a normal suitcase, with your kite, you bar and your harness.

Its particular construction system allows the board to keep the same flex on the tips while stiffening only the central part of the table, and that can only be an improvement

It requires a very little time to assemble and disassemble, and you'll only need a common screwdriver!
Price: €780.00

Surfikoht: Läkumätta, Saaremaa

Lohesurfi lohe "Advance Ikarus S"


Ikarus S is an extremely light kite thanks to its innovative materials and its special assembly process.

It flies well in very low wind and it’s far from rear or front stalling.

The low weight of this kite will show its benefits also in medium strength wind, in particular in retaking flight after a kite loop, or the neutral “fluttering” attitude while wave surfing.

Less inertia: even in a straight and simple change of direction, the kite will react immediately, and if in rotation, the movement can be easily interrupted once the command is given.
Price: €1,855.00

Lohesurfi laud "Wainman Hawaii Cruzer"


Soft flex, light weight, medium rocker allround freestyle/freeride board

By popular demand, the new Cruzer is back in a lighter weight and perfectly refined version from its popular 1st generation predecessor.
Price: €455.00